Dhruva Mistry

December 2007

Dhruva Mistry

Dhruva Mistry was born in 1957, Kanjari, Gujarat. Studied MA, Faculty of Fine Arts, MSU, Baroda from 1974-81, then at the Royal College of Art in London from 1981-83 on a British Council Scholarship. 1984-85 Artist in Residence at Kettle’s Yard Gallery with a Fellowship at Churchill College in Cambridge. In 1994, selected for Asian Artist Today- Fukuoka Annual VII, exhibition in Japan. Dhruva was elected member of the Royal Academy of Arts in 1991 and Fellow of the Royal Society of British Sculptors, London in 1993. He has shown regularly in one man shows apart from being included in significant group shows in national and international exhibitions. His work is held in major public and private collections in UK, Japan and India. Returns to Vadodara in 1997. Appointed Professor, Head of Sculpture and Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts, M.S.Uni. in May 1999 and quit in Nov 2002. Awarded Hon.  CBE by the Queen Elizabeth in 2001. Award of Excellence by Gujarat Gaurav Samiti, 2006. Honorary Award of Doctor of the Uni., University of Central England, Birmingham, 2007. Lives and works in Vadodara.